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Ronda Broatch
All I Want is the Morning
paper with its
crossword puzzles and funnies, the tea in my cup warm. All I want is sun enough to dry the lawn, the
mower, asleep these winter months, full of fuel, an untamed pasture before me, a solid place on this hard earth.
All I want is another planet besides this one, to know there is life in a place I don’t know,
an ocean deeper than this, or perhaps just a lake surrounded by trees, grass waving in a breeze much
like here, a girl dipping her toes beneath the surface for the first time on a spring day after
reading her first love poem.
Postcard From the Lighthouse This
is only to let you know I’ve arrived. I’ve closed the holes on the shore with my foot- steps, & left
the sleeping pup to sun. Today an eagle shed its quill & with it I write you that I wrested an abalone ear
from the many- fingered kelp. That I’ve scrawled in sand mustn’t alarm you – the Hunter’s
Moon erases all faults with its blood.
Maybe I’m seventeen, the
wild field, grass high enough to hide the landscape of your back, rising, falling above me. Your skin
is nimbus, cumulo- stratus, chest and shoulder I barely notice. So much blue, the ocean’s
ah – hush distant, crickets’ shh shh shh to lull us. What if I were to
open, lunar, allow the tides to fill me conceive a universe as yet wholly unnamed. I
am heavy with craving, my skin splintering into new constellations. Exhausted, you drop beside
me, all needs sated. Sleep, and I will remain wakeful, savor the salt of emerging stars
on my tongue. Slumber and I will quaver at the edge of leaving - the sea, these reeds, your rhythmic
breath and all that spins without falling.
Ronda Broatch is the author of Shedding Our Skins,
(Finishing Line Press, 2008), and Some Other Eden (2005). Nominated several times for the Pushcart Prize, Ronda
is the recipient of a 2007 Artist Trust GAP Grant, and is currently an assistant editor for Crab Creek Review.
Tanya DeBuff
Cinquains Shadie
(Sunshine Girl) About That ebullient light, replete to bursting Small-toothed laugh; a startled unwish fulfilled. Boudreaux
(Spotted Hawk) Five days brought my warrior son; kindness cached in dark skin. Tender and oh,
beckoning sweet lips. LoLa (Blue Bird Sings) She’s all Reaching ringlets Now
capricious, quickly exempting, mercurial riled wild chick.
Tanya DeBuff is a graduate student at Inland Northwest
Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Terri Kirby Erickson
At the Nursing Home
A man sits by a
window in a hallway, hands limp in his lap, wheelchair turned away from the sun. A house this rundown would
be condemned— eyes milky with cataracts, limbs so thin a breeze could snap them, skin like sheets of
phyllo laid over bone. Yet, he’s smiling, as if he’d drawn the curtains and inside there
are marvels—a Honus Wagner baseball card, a humidor packed with hand-rolled cigars—and the woman he
loves holding a wine glass, laughing.
Terri Kirby Erickson is the author of two full-length
collections of poetry, Thread Count and Telling Tales of Dusk (Press 53). Her work has been published
in numerous journals and anthologies, including A Prairie Journal, Blue Fifth Review, The Christian Science Monitor, Oak
Bend Review, Pisgah Review, Wild Goose Poetry Review and many others. In 2009, she received a Best of the Net and
a Pushcart Prize nomination. She lives in North Carolina.
Changming Yuan
Behind a Ballad
to bring this single word into the
mind, the cherry flower has prepared to bloom for the whole spring
to bring this single line onto the
paper, the thunder has rolled through the entire summer sky
to bring this single stanza onto the
mouth, the west wind has blown over all the golden fields
Changming Yuan authored several books before emigrating
from China and currently teaches writing in Vancouver. Yuan's poems appear in Barrow Street, Best Canadian Poetry, Exquisite
Corpse, London Magazine and over 200 other literary publications worldwide. His collection (Chansons of a Chinaman) and
monograph (Politics and Poetics) both released recently, Yuan has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Feedback, submissions, ideas? Email thesmokingpoet@gmail.com