“A fine cigar and good literature―two of life’s
most enduring pleasures.”
When those little green knuckles start pushing through the rich soil, gradually unfolding,
stretching, growing into the lush greenery of spring—one can’t help but think about beginnings. This spring, I
think about the beginnings of The Smoking Poet, five years past.
Back then, I had little concept of where I was going
with this. I just knew I wanted to work with good writing and sharp writers. I wanted to do it in a classy and meditative
atmosphere, something like a cigar lounge, where one entered a dusky place to relax, enjoy an hour or so of indulgent pleasure.
I could see fine art on the walls. I could hear a jazz quartet playing in the corner. I could imagine the poet leaning against
the polished wood of the bar and reading a poem.
Five years later, I can look back on how far we’ve
come, and I feel proud. Proud for all of us. We are—editors, writers, readers who want to share our hearts’ passion
with others. We are enthralled with the power of language. We are mesmerized by the beauty of art, whether our tool of the
trade is a pen, a pencil, a keyboard, a paintbrush, a camera, or a musical instrument.
On April 28, in the comfortable and dusky ambiance
of The Wine Loft in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a group of us are coming together to celebrate five years of The Smoking Poet. Putting on the Dog: TSP Celebrates 5 will be an evening of authors who have appeared in our pages reading their work. Jazz will be playing in the corner. Poets
will be leaning against the polished wood of the bar, poems in hand. Dean Hauck of Michigan News Agency will be selling books. And the community will gather around us to listen and join in our celebration. If you are in Kalamazoo
on that evening, please join us.
The event is being sponsored by the Friends of Poetry, Inc., with the devotion of two women in particular that are exquisite poets … but by now, also my exquisite friends. I have
been honored by their help in organizing this event and am ever grateful. Amy Newday and Lynn Pattison, you have honored me
and all the good writers who have graced these pages. To Erica Vitkin of The Wine Loft—this toast is to you.
And so we go on, bringing you yet another remarkable
issue. Among our feature writers and artists are Stuart Dybek, Judith Fein, Holly Friesen, Marjory Heath Wentworth. In our pages of fiction, nonfiction and poetry are great talents, some with a long history of publication, some yet fresh with spring dew. Our Kalamazoo & Beyond page showcases how rich in local talent is the southwest Michigan region. Don’t miss our ever-smoky Cigar Lounge and Andris’ Blue Note. Book reviews will be added throughout the season.
Drum roll: We are also announcing our fifth contest, our first to combine both prose and poetry. Please read the submission guidelines and send us your work—we would love to read your very, very best.
Please celebrate with us. Reader or writer, or both,
you have played an immense role in creating the pages you see before you today. We offer you emotional and intellectual nourishment.
We hope that it moves you to consider a gift to The Smoking Poet. Our hope is to publish an anthology before the end of 2011 to put between covers and on paper the best of our best. We will
need your help to do this. If everyone who visits this site donates just $5, we would have enough to fire up the presses
and print an anthology ...
Thank you, from the heart, to my best of the best
editors—Joanie Kervran Stangeland, poetry editor; Mick Parsons, cigar editor; Andris Sīlis, music editor. Lost without you.
With a good word,
Zinta Aistars
TSP Editor-in-Chief
Andris' Blue Note
Last Chance to Play by Andris Sīlis (in Latvian), translated into English by Zinta Aistars

Patient One by Holly Friesen |

Integration by Holly Friesen |
THE SMOKING POET is raising funds
to become an LLC, a limited liability company, so that we can begin taking in revenue from appropriate ads and, from that
revenue, to pay our hardworking editors and excellent writers. We are also raising funds to publish an anthology commemorating
our first five years, collecting in print the best of our best.
Thank you to all our writers, editors
and readers. You are helping us grow. You are helping us continue to develop a place where we can help your
art shine.
Please visit our Marketing, Advertising and Donations page to learn more.
We appreciate your gift.
The Smoking Poet’s Short Story and Poetry Contest—On Now!
Submission Guidelines
Deadline is November 30, 2011
Send us your very best—and
win a cash prize and publication.
The Smoking Poet
Spring 2011 - Issue #18
