familiar imperfections
you sleep in your baby boxer pose
fists furled against your chest
i snip old man bristles
from your brows
trim your jaundiced toenails
my pinky nail traces the furrows of sun in your cheeks
i drink the crook of your neck
burrow in your black nest
tasting the salty tendrils
the arches of your feet
wrap perfectly around my face
i kiss the soles
lick them bite them
wipe them with my lips
through your nipples i see your rent soul
i plunge through your pelvis
wriggle into your ribcage
pump your lungs with my hands
i am protected
the womb of a wet night
my fingers spread through your shoulders
palpating biceps triceps quadriceps quinticeps
but i cannot fill your inner chasm
your abyss of pain
rising through your throat
i cry in your mouth
before i exit
a sponge of your blood
i want you to sway me
to the crashes of the midnight surf
swiveling one stooped shoulder then the other
to rinse your back under the spray
but you wake
clutching my thigh with your oversize hands
and i wince
Christina Hoag is a reporter with The Associated Press in Los Angeles. A former
staff writer for the Miami Herald, she was a correspondent in Latin America writing
for Time, Business Week, The New York Times, Financial Times and Houston Chronicle,
and has won prizes for enterprise reporting and interpretive writing. Her fiction, creative non-fiction and poetry have been
published in The Oddville Press, StraitJackets, Liquid Silver eBooks, Clever, Hackwriters,
Bent Pin, ExPatLit, and Sex and Murder.
The Bamboo Flowers
Like wisdom in age,
the bamboo flowers late in
its life before death:
fragile straw hued lace against
the green of hundredth summer.
Heather Ann Schmidt
is an adjunct professor at Oakland Community College and teaches creative writing at the Pontiac Creative Art Center. She
edits tinfoildresses. Her poems can be found in various online and print journals. Her books are Channeling Isadora
Duncan ( Gold Wake Press, 2009), The Bat's Lovesong: American Haiku (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2009), The
Owl & the Muse: Collected Tanka ( recycled karma press, 2009), and a
full collection of poems forthcoming from Village Green Press. She received her MFA from National University and is pursuing
a PhD from Union Institute.
The Loveless Thesaurus
Roget appears to be pissy tonight,
his book moves from loutish to lovelorn,
skipping over the words we need to speak.
No “loveable,” no “lovely,”
certainly no “lovemaking.”
Maybe he’s hoarding words,
plucking the more valuable
to stack in a vault, leaving us
to flip pages, after midnight,
by ourselves on those sofa-things,
the ones that seat two–it seems
there’s a word for it, but–
not finding what we need, we mumble
“boorish, oafish, cloddish, dense,
churlish, clumsy, stupid, rough,” on
to “bereft, rejected, jilted, forsaken,”
the ashes in our fireplaces grey
as ash.
Mason has won two Nebraska Book Awards and been sent to Belarus on a U.S. State Department program to encourage young poets. Matt lives in Omaha, Nebraska with his two daughters, an awesome wife, and has
been published here and there. He can be found at
To being friends
To say that I don’t
a single beautiful
is a lie I suppose,
but if I say it enough
it becomes an ethos
a sure way to live
or an act
of self-preservation
in the face of all
those men and
women it doesn’t
if you love—those
people we call
acquaintances who
a bar or in a diner
queued for coffee
or cash
do most of the talking
for you.
Daniel Casey earned his MFA from the University of Notre Dame in 2003. Currently, Casey is the editor of
Gently Read Literature, a web journal devoted to criticism of contemporary poetry
and literary fiction. In 2008, Gold Wake Press published his first electronic poetry chapbook, Well Enough. Daniel currently lives in New Haven, Connecticut.
AIDS Walk 1996
It takes me fifteen
to recite the names
of this year’s
dead, surrender them
the crisp chill of
late September.
Cacophonous chatter
as high school
girls crowd past before
I complete my ritual,
wedge me against the
rusty railing
of the wooden plank
bridge where I stand
with long-stemmed
carnations cradled
like a ballerina following
a successful recital.
Vikings sent their
off to sea in a blazing
all I have are pink
to release one at
a time into
the lazy river’s
shallow water. Pungent
spice lingers as they
drift downstream,
glide around a sharp
disappear forever.
Playing Bass for Jesus
To boogie or not to boogie,
That is the Christian
John Lennon
The algorithm for
scheduling band practice
is family + job =
not available. Trying
to coordinate seven
is as complicated
as arranging the Paris
peace talks. An important
(translate paying)
gig looms. Practice
is Saturday afternoon,
guaranteed to equally
band members and infuriate
The bluesy vocalist
has a work
emergency, the bass
puts forth the proposition
that you can petition
the Lord
with prayer, and leaves
to play for a church
You escape to the
relative tranquility
of your car, torn
between the bottle
of Tanqueray Rangpur
in the trunk
and the 60’s
station on XM radio.
The radio wins, but
it’s close.
Nina Bennett is the author
of Forgotten Tears A Grandmother’s Journey Through Grief. In 2006,
she was chosen by the poet laureate of Delaware to participate in a writers’ retreat sponsored by the Delaware Division
of the Arts. Her articles and poetry have appeared in Philadelphia Stories, Pirene’s Fountain, the anthology Mourning
Sickness, The Broadkill Review, Slow Trains Literary Journal, Grief Digest, the News Journal, Different Kind of Parenting, Angels, and Living Well Journal.

found a good stick while walking to explore the forest. The stick fell from a tree. It didn’t need it any more. Now
it’s a magic wand, a baseball bat, a till to rile flat fallen leaves into motion, a boat that slices through the water
until his shoes got wet."